


時間:2023-04-30 14:56:29來源:admin01欄目:冷鏈新聞 閱讀:





中英文6千余字,word 文檔。


第一條 冷庫的基本情況及用途

Article 1 Basic conditions and use of cold storage

第二條 租賃期限

Article 2. Lease Term

第三條 租金、水電費以及稅費支付

Article 3 Payment of rent, water / electricity and taxes

第五條 甲方的權利和義務

Article 5 r Party A‘s rights and obligations

第六條 乙方的權利和義務

Article 6 Party B’s rights and obligations第七條 冷庫場地的轉租

Article 7 Sublease of cold storage site

第八條 違約責任

Article 8 Liability for breach

第九條 合同解除條款

Article 9 Contract’s rescission

第十條 合同爭議的解決方式

Article 10. Settlement of contract disputes

第十一條 送達條款

Article 11. Service

第十二條 附則

Article 12. Supplementary Provisions


第一條 冷庫的基本情況及用途

Article 1 Basic conditions and use of cold storage

1. 冷庫的基本情況

1. Basic conditions of cold storage


(1) Cold storage shall be maintained in good condition, with a clean and tidy environment, and effectively separated from toxic and harmful sources of pollution.


(2) The cold storage floor should be hardened, flat, non-slip, easy to clean and disinfect, with appropriate measures to prevent water accumulation.


(3) Cold storage should be equipped with the devices of good ventilation and exhaust so that to keep the air fresh and odorless, in addition to avoid direct sunlight.


(4) The exterior of the cold store should be installed the equipment and instruments which can be easily monitored and controlled, in addition to be regularly calibrated and maintained to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness thereof.


2. Party A will, in accordance with the cold storage site plan, lease to Party B the following cold storage facilities which meet the storage conditions for refrigerated and frozen food.

2. 甲方在日常管理中發現乙方在冷庫租賃使用過程中存在以下情形的,應當及時向所在地市場監管部門報告,并有權予以制止:

2. Party A, where finds the following circumstances in the lease process of the cold storage in the daily management, shall without any delay report to the local market supervision authorities and reserve the right to stop it:


(1) Without legal qualification by Party B;


(2) Storage of food that is spoiled or has abnormal organoleptic properties.


(3) Storage of the livestock, poultry, veterinary and aquatic animal meat and products thereof which are diseased, poisoned, of unknown cause of death or of unknown origin.


(4) Storage of unlabelled prepackaged food;


(5) Storage of the animal meat and its products expressly prohibited by the State for disease prevention and other special needs;


(6) Storage of other food products which fail to comply with laws and regulations or food safety standards.


3. Party A is responsible for the management and maintenance of the cold storage equipment and facilities, including.


(1) The temperatures of cold storage should be regularly measured, recorded and kept.


(2) To regularly disinfect, defrost, clean and maintain cold storage refrigeration and freezing equipment and facilities, keep records of relevant calibrations, cleaning, disinfection and maintenance, and bear the costs. Party B shall be responsible for repairing or bearing the repair costs for the equipment and facilities of refrigeration & freezing which are damaged due to Party B?s reason (except for natural wear and tear); if no repair value thereof, Party B shall compensate at a discount.

第六條 乙方的權利和義務

Article 6 Party B’s rights and obligations

1. 乙方在簽訂合同前,應當驗看甲方的證照資質,確認其是否具有出租該冷庫的權利,如有冷庫備案要求,是否已經備案。

1. Party B should, prior to conclusion of the contract, check Party As license qualification to confirm whether it has the right to rent out? the cold storage, and if the cold storage should be put on record required by the relevant regulations whether Party A has done so.

2. 在租賃期間,若遇甲方轉讓冷庫的部分或全部所有權,本合同對新所有權人繼續生效。在同等受讓條件下,乙方對本租賃物享有優先購買權。

2. During the lease period, where Party A transfers part or all of the ownership of the cold store, this contract shall remain valid for the successor owner and Party B shall have the preferential right to purchase the leased premises under the same conditions of assignment.

3. 乙方應當分區、分架、分類存放冷藏冷凍食品。應當根據有關規定設置足夠數量的存放架,其結構及位置能使貯存的冷藏冷凍食品離墻離地,保持規定距離,不得擠壓食品;生食與熟食等容易交叉污染的食品應采取適當的分隔措施,固定存放位置并明確標識。

3. Party B shall store refrigerated and frozen food in separate sections, shelves and categories. The sufficient number of storage racks should be provided in accordance with the relevant regulations, with a structure and location that enables the stored refrigerated and frozen food to be kept off the walls and off the floor at a prescribed distance, without squeezing the food; raw food and cooked food and other food prone to cross-contamination should be separated by appropriate measures, fixed storage locations and clearly marked.

4. 乙方冷藏冷凍食品堆碼時,應當穩固且有空隙,便于空氣流通,維持貯存場所內溫度的均勻性。

4. Party B shall stack refrigerated and frozen foods in the stable manner with gaps to facilitate air circulation and maintain uniformity of temperature in the storage premises.

5. 乙方貯存具有強烈揮發氣味和相互影響的冷藏冷凍食品應及時告知甲方另設專庫貯存,不得混放。

5. Party B shall without any delay inform Party A to set up a special storage of the frozen food with strong volatile odor and mutual influence, and shall not be mixed.

6. 乙方貯存散裝食品時,應在貯存位置標明食品的名稱、生產日期、保質期、生產者名稱及聯系方式等內容。

6. Party B should, at the time of storing bulk food, identify the storage location with the name of the food, date of production, shelf life, name of the producer and contact details.

7. 乙方應遵循先進先出的原則,定期檢查冷藏冷凍食品安全狀況,及時清理腐敗變質、油脂酸敗、污穢不潔或者感官性狀異常、超過保質期的食品。

7. Party B should follow the principle of first-in, first-out, regularly check the food safety condition of refrigerated and frozen food, and promptly clean up any food which is spoiled, sour, dirty or with abnormal organoleptic properties, or has exceeded its shelf life.

8. 乙方應記錄食品進庫、出庫時間和貯存溫度及其變化。

8. Party B shall make record of the entry and storage time, storage temperature and its changes of food.

9. 乙方不得有下列行為:

9. Party B shall not commit the following acts:


(1) Store the food prohibited from production and marketing as stipulated in Article 34 of the Food Safety Law, imported refrigerated frozen food without the qualification certificates issued by the State’s Customs authorities, imported refrigerated and frozen food of unknown origin, non-food, and other refrigerated and frozen food which fail to conform to laws, regulations or food safety standards;


(2) Addition of non-edible substances and toxic and harmful substances in the course of storage.


(3) Storage of refrigerated and frozen foods with toxic and hazardous substances.

第七條 冷庫場地的轉租

Article 7 Sublease of cold storage site


Where Party B sublets the leased cold storage space without Party As consent, Party A may terminate the contract. Provided that Party A agrees to sublet, Party B shall inform Party A in writing prior to subletting and the sublease term shall be within the lease term hereof. This contract shall continue to be valid during the sublease period. If the successor lessee causes damage to the leased premises, Party B shall be liable for compensation thereof.







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